Friday, January 06, 2006

Major apologies

I managed to take on more than I could do for a while last blogging, which is a pro bono fun activity had to take a back seat for a while. Did manage to keep up with some blogs but not all...

As this is a new year - it comes with it's own resolutions and mine is to be more regular with the blogging....

Ah teens...every time I speak with my son I am so glad he is no longer a teen. We have now reached a point in our relationship where can laugh about some of the episodes of his teen years and my parenting during that time.

The adolescent years are ushered in by hormonal changes. That's most usually around 13 but can be earlier or later... If you ever had a problem with your own hormones as during pregnancy or with a thyroid problem, you have an inkling of what happens to your body.

As adults, we sort of know that our hormones are not "normal." Teens do not always understand this. Bodies are growing in all directions - sometimes unevenly. Sexual feelings occur - often with little to stimulate them. Girls start menstruating, growing pubic hair and developing breasts; boys have unpredictable erections, facial and pubic hair and voice changes. Even the best educated teen is not always comfortable with these changes.

Adolescence is a confusing time - for the teen and for the parents. It's a time where peers are more important than family. Peers accept the oddity of adolescence - they are all undergoing the somewhat same experiences.

It's also a time to experiment with this new body....Cigarettes, marijuana, sex and sports are equal enticements. Parents have all sorts of rules about smoking, drugs and sex...but you know what? You can't actually keep a teenager from doing what he/she chooses to do. You can only hope that your previous messages about health and safety are in that brain and come to the fore at times :)

Why do teens do what they do? coming soon - I promise

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