Thursday, November 01, 2007

Help - there's a teen in the house!

My own mother once said she could no longer visit me because it was just too noisy in my house!

My son was 13 or so at the time and I couldn't hear what she heard...I had gotten so used to it - but she was in her 80's and lived in a very quiet area of Florida where no one under 50 could live - they could just visit. [ We never did figure out what length of visit was "acceptable" but a week was all I could do and that was fine.]

My house had a teenager, two dogs and two cats. When my son got home from school, he usually played with, fed and walked the dogs as I worked. Apparently this entailed too much noise for my mother - with happy barking dogs, cats deciding to be in another area of the house and my son having fun with his pets. After the dog walking, he turned on "his" music which was hip-hop or rap.

I related my mother's comment to a few friends and we all laughed - none of us was aware of how noisy our homes must seem to others! We never noticed it.

Parents of teens need to become very selectively deaf or you will go nuts. Of course you could ask for the noise level to be tuned down but didn't you do the same thing when you were a teen? Part of it is the rebellion aspect...Is it intended to tune out parents? drive parents crazy? or do teens not even think about others - including the parents?

I think it's a bit of all of the above.

I lived with it - figured it was part of the package of having a child who grows up. We worked out deals around who's music got played when and how loud - especially in the car. He is now in his late 20's and can still be quite noisy when playing video games - but now his significant other is dealing with it : - ).

Kids grow up so fast - you have to enjoy them at all ages - and yes that includes the teen years!

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