Sunday, September 03, 2006

Back to School

Like some teens, I had a bit of trouble settling into a routine this summer - spent time with my son who was here...and got back into photography and now am part of a show opening this week.....

Okay - now it's time to settle back into a work routine...just like I did when I was a teenager. I was better at managing my time then because my mother took care of all those little details like paying household bills, shopping and cooking. I was a typical teen who did not appreciate any of that - not until I lived on my own.

The teen in your life probably does not appreciate what you do either - my own son, who heard me talk about this [as I taught about teens], did not heed the message either : ). He had "money shock" when he first lived on his own and had to buy and cook the food, and pay the rent and utilities.

Is there a way to get our teens to learn this? Maybe; we can teach it, talk it and do all sorts of showing them - but I really do believe the the brain does not really register what we say - they can repeat it back and we think they "get it." Maybe they do - but we don't see it in action until they live on their own....I am an example that shows even when you "get it" you don't always pay attention to "it."

The one message I got and my son got - was to eat healthy food. Honestly I am not sure why that messagae "took" for me or for him - but with all the recent news on obesity in the USA and the world, I am glad we both got that message....Eating well and healthily is a good message to get across as often as you can - your life and that of your child and grandchild depends on it....

From an ongoing conference on obesity comes this message:

"Obesity is an international scourge," Professor Paul Zimmet, the chairman of the meeting of more than 2500 experts and health officials, told delegates in a speech opening the International Congress on Obesity.

"This insidious, creeping pandemic of obesity is now engulfing the entire world." "It's as big a threat as global warming and bird flu," said Zimmet, an Australian expert on diabetes.

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