Friday, June 02, 2006

Teens, food and sleep

Do teens get enough sleep? Research seems to indicate that they do not...but they do get too much fast food and maybe the combo is creating a worse problem than either issue alone.

There is fast food sold in schools - machines with what I call "make believe" food - that which has a list of what sounds like chemicals as ingredients - machines with sugar water also known as "soda," and cafeterias that serve high calorie empty calorie food that fills but does not nourish....

What does this combination do to a growing body? Probably not much that is good.

When I was a teen I don't recall how much sleep we all got - it was never an issue. We had split sessions in our crowded high school so some had to be there early but there did not seem to be complaints from anyone...and fast food was still a futuristic idea....we had slow food : ) tasteless but probably more nutritious than today's school fare....

I read recently that we are producing the first generation that will probably NOT have a longer life expectancy than their parents - that's sad as it something we have control over and yet we do not control it...

Teens need food - real food - and they need more sleep...

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